Help for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine continues to threaten the lives of Ukrainian men and women. People fleeing war need our help. Donate and help with us!

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20 €
50 €
125 €

10 €
20 €
50 €

Your regular donation will help us support people who are facing poverty or disasters around the world.

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Potvrdzujem, že som bol/a informovaný/á o spracovaní osobných údajov v systéme

Súhlasím so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov uvedených v tomto súhlase na účely zaradenia do databázy darcov Človek v ohrození, n.o., na starostlivosť o darcu; informovanie o možnostiach darcovstva; informovanie o činnosti tejto organizácie a to poštou, elektronicky alebo telefonicky vrátane audiozáznamov telefonátov (zaznamenaných za účelom kontroly kvality poskytovaných služieb) a štatistiky.

Potvrdením údajov súhlasíte s pravidlami používania V ďalšom kroku Vás presmerujeme na stránku, kde bezpečne vyplníte Vaše platobné údaje. Zároveň Vám zašleme informačný mail. Ďakujeme!

Platba realizovaná prostredníctvom

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have been helping people who have had to leave their homes. We were in the Slovak-Ukrainian boarders on the second day after the outbreak of the conflict. We provide humanitarian aid in the Zacarpathia region, where hundreds of thousands of people have found their temporary homes. In Slovakia, we help Ukrainians to integrate into our society and give them a chance at a dignified life. Donate and help with us!

The ongoing war and cold threaten people in Ukraine

A huge trigger for the physical and psychological problems of people in Ukraine is the expected arrival of winter. People are afraid of freezing because they cannot heat their homes. There are power outages in households, and in some houses, there is no electricity at all during the day.

Help us provide warm conditions

In the collective centres in the Zacarpathia region in western Ukraine, we provide:

  • generators and power banks
  • heators and warm blankets
  • we restore places for living so that people can live with dignity
  • through the support of 6 local organizations, we help distribute warm clothes
  • psychosocial support and help with coping with war trauma
  • On a regular basis, we continue to import food as humanitarian aid for the collective centers that accommodated internally displaced people.
  • firewood for heating, solid fuels, candles

The current needs of people are affected by Russian attacks targeting critical infrastructure, as well as the coming winter. This one will be very difficult in Ukraine. No one can prevent power and heating outages, but together we can reduce consequences.

Veronika Kusyová, Head of UA Mission, People in Peril

Donate through internet banking / payment card
Bank Account for public collection:
IBAN SK77 1100 0000 0029 4613 3364
Variable Symbol 1124

In Slovakia, we are with our assistance in 4 regions (Prešov, Košice, Žilina and Banská Bystrica) where we provide:

  • practical information needed in Slovakia
  • psychosocial support
  • children playgrounds
  • assistance with visiting offices, doctors or foreign police
  • help with finding a job and schools for children

Provide accommodation and food is a low standard. People need assistance to integrate into our society. It is not enough to be in contact only for the first few days. They will need to be accompanied until they find a job and know how to become independent.

Lenka Zápotocká, Head of department of social integration programs in People in Peril

How did we help in the first days?

People in Peril was present on the Slovak-Ukrainian border in Vyšné Nemecké, Ubľa and Veľké Slemence. We offered heated tents, hot meals, tea, blankets and psychosocial support to the people fleeing the war. We also provided mobile toilets and charging stations. Dozens of our volunteers took turns on the spot every day so that we could help 24 hours a day.

People in Peril was also on the Ukrainian side of the border. First days mothers and children were standing in line for long hours in the winter because the process of crossing the borders was very slow. Therefore, we also provided first humanitarian aid there.

Your donations will help victims of the war, people who leave their homes and protect vulnerable families and individuals.

People in Peril has been working in Ukraine for a long time

The Donetsk and Luhansk regions have been dependent on outside help for a long time. For years there have been major problems with inadequate health care, unemployment, poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene. There is a lack of basic goods and services, and the war has destroyed the already poor infrastructure. Therefore, many people have left the area. Those who remained often need help.

We have repaired destroyed pipelines and were providing drinking water for hospitals, schools and homes for the elderly. We helped children and parents process the psychological trauma of the conflict and worked to strengthen democratic principles.

In the autumn and winter of 2020, we helped pensioners in the east of the country who could not afford to buy heating fuel from their small pensions. We bought wood briquettes so the elderly could survive the winter warm and healthy.

In 2019 and 2020, we repaired 50 destroyed houses and employed 24 caregivers to care for 144 elderly people for 10 months. They facilitated the daily life of the people in this troubled area.